Quatsino Village view
pole detail shown in PN1989
location is Quattishe ,see PN 1991
"One tall pole stands in village. base is large a'ba'ra, (their dsonoqua), then a large human figure, then a thunderbird (wings and head gone), then squared plain shaft for 20 feet or so, then another bird (kwikw) on top, also with parts missing. Not a very impressive pole to me. There is talk that Western Whalers are going to move it to the whaling station and have it set up. Carved by he'n ak'ya lasu, 50 years ago or so."
from Duff, field notes, 1955 Kwakiutl Totem Pole Survey.
see PN 43, 649, 1989, 2538, 1991
see Helen Codere notes